Essay about highschool life

I am a 10th class student. I attend a famous privately recognized High School. I like my life at school. As a student, I have certain duties and responsibilities. I like them. I never try to shirk them. I take pleasure in doing what my parents bid me to do. I read and write a lot. I always try to please my teachers with my work, conduct and.

As time passes by, I grew up and had to continue my studies to one of the local college exactly after I finished my high school. Now it s been 4 months I m in my new college. There s a lot of comparison I ve made between high school life and college life, which in a way it has a lot of differences in many aspects. In college, I find my social life.

High School Life And College Life High school life and college life are like salt and sugar. They look alike but, in fact, they totally differ in taste. First, we obtain different. Our So Called High School Life Our So Called High School Life By: Mekai Veterans say that the most exciting and happiest moments on a students life happen in high.

Life is all about learning. School life is but a preparation to face the challenges that the bigger school called world will offer us once we are out of our schools. The schools therefore extra great influence upon us. They shape our character, mould our mental attitudes and fashion the basic principles of life. For many of us the days spent in.

High School Letter Dear Dylan, You are entering a new part of your life which is fundamental for you to become someone of success in your future, High School. High School consists of four tough years of studying that can lead you to a great college or a not so good college, it will depend on you whether. Community Service in High School Community.

Try Our Friends At: The Essay Store. Free English School Essays. We have lots of essays in our essay database, so please check back here frequently to see the. February 2003 When we were in junior high school, my friend Rich and I made a map of the school lunch tables according to popularity. This was easy to do, because. In the body of the.

High school vs College life Education is considered as one of the important element in life nowadays. A child s education history starts as early as kindergarten period, up until high school. Enrolling oneself in college after graduating from high school is another option to gain higher education. High school and college are both educational.

It is a usual practice to look over the students’ attendance and make sure they miss as few classes as it is possible; the ones that miss too often may have certain sanctions applied to them, no matter what their reasons are and how quickly they are progressing. To my mind, this approach is not only anachronistic; it shouldn’t have existed in the.

High School Life as we do and were some of their “problems” not as much of a problem as it is to us. Teens from the past and present are faced with problems such as school, relationships, and friends. There were many teenage problems back then in “Rebel Without a Cause” and today’s teenagers. Most of these problems. as we do and were some of their.