Admirable person

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In the summer of 2002 I met Joe, my boyfriend. From the moment my eyes met his I knew that he was somebody different, mysterious in a way. Amazingly enough, Joe and I hit it off, and then it was my duty to find out what Joe was all about. I have learned a lot about him in the past two years and I respect the person that he is. I am extremely.

adjective | \ˈad-m(ə-)rə-bəl\ | See the full.

Gallup s List of People that Americans Most Widely Admired in the 20th Century is a poll published in December 1999 by The Gallup Organization to determine which people around the world Americans most admired for what they did in the 20th century. While Gallup has constructed a yearly Gallup s most admired man and woman poll list since 1948, it did.

A celebrity? An author? Someone in history? Please help. Selflessness: This is one important characteristic of an admirable personality. We live in a world were self interest is the order of the day and the selflessness seems to be on the decline daily. Selflessness is not all about giving your life for the other person; but you can be selfless by.

Admirable definition, worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection. See.

PTI Microsoft founder Bill Gates has been named as the most admired person on the planet with cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar fifth on a list of 30 people compiled.

The Pereire, of the French Transatlantic Company, whose admirable steamers are equal to any in speed and comfort, did not leave until the 14th; the Hamburg boats did not go directly to Liverpool or London, but to Havre; and the additional trip from Havre to Southampton would render Phileas Fogg s last efforts of no.

Admirable Quotes from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and.